IOOS has assisted a Spanish Company in the registration procedure in order to join the Italian Albo Informatico delle Agenzie per il lavoro

[vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1615386479026{padding: 7% !important;}”][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Labour Law department of IOOS Studio Legale e Tributario has assisted a Spanish Company, already authorized to operate as an Staff Leasing Company in the Country of origin, in the registration procedure in order to enrolment of the Company in the Italian Digital Register of the Staff Leasing Companies the so-called “Albo Informatico delle Agenzie per il Lavoro” (Section I), held by ANPAL.

The Firm has dealt with every aspect connected to the registration procedure, including, but not limited to representing the Company before all the Governmental and/or Public Agencies or Bodies involved in the registration process, drafting and signing all the required papers and documents and dealing with ANPAL.

The registration in the Section I of the Albo Informatico cames to an end with the recognition of the authorization issued by the Country of origin, through which the community Company in order to carry out staff-leasing activity in the Italian territory and all other related activities, including recruitment and professional outplacement support activities according to article 4 of Legislative Decree n. 276/2003.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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